Basic recipes | October 26, 2015 | By

 with c1 presetMaking your own mayonnaise is something that gives you a great feedback, either if you are cooking just for yourself or if you are cooking for guests.

Fresh, homemade mayonnaise is very easy and fast (15 minutes) to make and the taste is very different and so much better than the industrial one.

After you will try your own mayo it will be difficult to go back.

The flavour of your mayo will depend a lot on the type of oil you choose. You can even experiment different once, or mix them as well.

Usually you would use a sunflower oil or a corn oil because a stronger taste like the extra virgin olive one, could cover the other flavours of your dish. And you also have to consider that your mayo will be lighter with a lighter oil. If you like you can add a drop of sesame oil, but not more as it is very strong.

You can also add flavours to your mayo according to what you are serving it with, for example: fresh dill, fresh snipped chives, horseradish, black pepper, honey and dijon mustard, minced garlic.

Bear in mind: the egg yolks are preferably at room temperature when you work them. Since the eggs don’t get cooked, use very fresh and organic ones.

For separating an egg yolk from the white you can use a tool like in the photo or you can start by cracking the side of the egg on a flat surface (not on the rim of a bowl, which could shatter the shell) then use thumbs to pull it apart, then pour the yolk back and forth between the eggshell cups, letting the white run into a bowl beneath and then drop the yolk into a separate bowl.

If you are using many eggs: transfer the white to a third bowl before repeating; if any yolk breaks and lands in the first bowl, you won’t have to discard all the whites.

Serves 6
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Total Time
15 min
Total Time
15 min
  1. 2 free-range egg yolks at room temperature
  2. 1 teaspoon white vinegar (3g) or Dijon mustard
  3. 15ml lemon juice
  4. 250ml sunflower oil
  5. salt to taste
  1. Blender or food processor
  1. Clean surface areas and get your ingredients nice and ready.
  2. Place the egg yolks in a bowl with the teaspoon of vinegar (or mustard) and just one teaspoon of lemon juice. Add salt.
  3. Whisk together until mixture is smooth and thoroughly combined.
  4. To add the oil, start gradually letting it run down the inside of the bowl, very slowly, a spoon at the time so that they have the time to mix together. In the meantime whisk continuously for around 3 to 5 minutes, or until thickened. Add about half the oil.
  5. Add remaining lemon juice (or less, you can always add more at the end, after you have tasted it): this will loosen the mixture slightly and give it a paler colour.
  6. Continue to gradually add the remaining oil in a slow, steady stream, whisking continuously. You can stop before you have used 250ml of oil, according to the thickness you like.
  7. When the oil is incorporated and the sauce is thick and emulsified, taste it and if you like it with more lemon add it and whisk a bit more.
  8. Use immediately or refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 3 days.
  1. A broken emulsion appears curdled (it happens for example, when the oil is put in too quickly).
  2. In Italian we say that “the mayo has gone mad” 😉
  3. In order to fix it add some drops of lemon or vinegar and whisk sauce until it’s smooth and creamy again.
  4. If it doesn’t work you can still rescue it by starting again with a clean bowl, new egg yolk and very, very slowly adding the curdled mixture beating all the time.
Nonna Armida Love Family Food
Serves 6
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Total Time
15 min
Total Time
15 min
  1. 2 Bio Eigelbe, (mind. 1 Std.vor Gebrauch aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen)
  2. 1TL(3gr) weissen Essig oder Dijon Senf
  3. 15ml Zitronensaft
  4. 250ml Sonnenblumenöl
  5. Salz
  1. Rührmaschine oder Handrührwerk
  1. Arbeitsplatz reinigen und Zutaten bereitstellen.
  2. Die Eigelbe mit dem Essig (oder Senf) und 1TL Zitronensaft in eine Schüssel geben und salzen.
  3. Mit der Rührmaschine gründlich vermischen, bis die Masse glatt ist.
  4. Bei laufender Maschine ungefähr die hälfte des Öls, in einem dünnen Strahl, ganz langsam angiessen, bis die Mayo etwas andickt, ca. 3-5 Min. Wichtig: Die Masse muss, ob von Hand oder mit der Maschine, immer gut gerührt werden.
  5. Den restlichen Zitronensaft dazugeben (je nach Geschmack auch weniger, Sie können ihn am Schluss nach dem Probieren noch untermischen).
  6. Geben Sie nun auf die gleiche Weise den Rest des Öls dazu. Sie können auch weniger als 250ml Öl beigeben, je nach dem, wie dick die Mayonnaise sein soll.
  7. Wenn die Mayonnaise die richtige Konsistenz hat, probieren Sie und geben falls nötig unter ständigem Rühren mehr Zitronensaft dazu.
  8. Brauchen Sie die Mayonnaise sofort, oder bewahren Sie sie gut verschlossen höchstens 3 Tage im Kühlschrank auf.
  1. Falls die Mayonnaise gerinnt (das kann passieren, wenn man das Öl zu schnell einrührt oder das Eigelb zu kalt ist), geben Sie ein paar Tropfen Zitronensaft oder Essig dazu, und mixen Sie weiter, bis die Masse wieder cremig wird.
  2. Wenn das nichts nützt, nehmen Sie eine neue, saubere Schüssel, ein neues Eigelb und mischen Sie die geronnene Masse ganz, ganz langsam bei laufender Maschine dazu.
Nonna Armida Love Family Food