This is an easy recipe that my grandmother used to do quite often.

Patrick bought a hundred tomatoes, he likes them and because we were in Italy he brought back so many… so I used them now that they are ripe before they get bad…

The tomatoes are better red and ripe, if they are big you can cut them in halves and make two stuffed halves out of one tomato, if they are medium-small like mine you can cut the top and empty them, then you will have a nice decorative cup for your tomatoes.



Vegetables & vegetarian | January 29, 2016 | By

This is a very simple everyday recipe, a way to eat carrots with the twist of adding a herb like rosemary that gives so much scent to the carrots and also adds some fresh aftertaste to the otherwise boring butter.



purple green 1My third and last of my three-colours green-juices post-festivities detox-session! As I explained in the previous post (orange green juice) the fact that these juices are based on fruits and vegetables of specific colours is not just a visual indulgence. In fact these colours are the ones of “phytochemicals”, non-nutrients that play an important role in our metabolism by activating/deactivating physiologic processes.



orange green 1This is another recipe for a healthy juice that you can drink instead of eating whenever you feel intoxicated, both by too much food or by a cold/flu. I either have 4 or 5 drinks of 350ml for the whole day or else I have three, one in the morning, one at lunch and one in the afternoon and then I have some cooked vegetables for dinner with some light cheese, like ricotta. 

This is not a diet



Back from holiday with a couple more kilos and with a cold I opted for three days of green juices that don’t add any unwanted fat plus they boost the immune system.

Contrary to what one would expect juices actually feel you up pretty well and they give you so much satisfaction that you don’t feel any urge to eat… in the sense of chewing solid food.



Vegetables & vegetarian | September 23, 2015 | By

Everybody knows potatoes cooked in the oven, of course… But here I am talking about the best guaranteed oven potatoes! With few tricks you can prepare delicious potatoes that look yummy and are yummy. 



Vegetables & vegetarian | September 2, 2015 | By


My grandmother’s favourite vegetable was artichoke. And the way she cooked it… you could taste the love in it.
It is a very special vegetable (actually it is a flower!), and not just because of its unique look -beautiful like a rose, spiky like a cactus- but also
