Back from holiday with a couple more kilos and with a cold I opted for three days of green juices that don’t add any unwanted fat plus they boost the immune system.

Contrary to what one would expect juices actually feel you up pretty well and they give you so much satisfaction that you don’t feel any urge to eat… in the sense of chewing solid food.
I have just recently started making the so called detox  green juices and I think that once a week it’s a very good treat for whoever feels like cleaning up the digestive system. Juicing concentrates the nutrients found in the vegetable (or fruit) and increases the absorption rate of vitamins and minerals into your body. This process is easy on the digestive system, requiring it to do less work. It is also good for the immune system because of the super-high concentration of vitamins and minerals.

If you like salty food add a pinch of salt, if you like sweet food add a spoon of honey, or better, agave syrup. A combination of the two is also possible.

Green juices are juices made of mostly vegetables and less fruits because fruit has a higher concentration of sugar compared to vegetables. This recipe of mine is made of mostly greenish vegetables and fruits, therefore the name.

The choice of making three juices using veggies and fruits of three different colours (green, orange and purple) is because each colour is associated to phytochemicals that play important and specific roles in our metabolism: the compounds responsible for green colour, for example, are involved in the activation of other substances, specifically the enzymes involved in the detoxification of carcinogens. If you want to know more click on this link: European Food Information Council.

I am not going to be over precise with the amount of each ingredient, in fact according to your taste you can put a bit more or a bit less of each ingredient. This recipe is for one person (350ml of juice) and it is better to consume it immediately, however, if you want to save time or you can’t make it again store it well (better if in air-tight glass or stainless steel container) in the fridge for up to 24 hours (better if there is a bit of extra lemon or lime juice that helps preservation). 

Here the links to my other two “green” juices of this week: Orange green juice and Purple green juice.

Green green Juice
Serves 1
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Total Time
30 min
Total Time
30 min
  1. 3 leaves Kale
  2. Good bunch Coriander
  3. 1/2 Lime
  4. 1 Green Apple
  5. 1/2 Cucumber
  6. 1 Celery stick
  7. 4cm piece Ginger
  8. 4cm piece White Cabbage
  9. 4cm piece Turnip Cabbage
  1. Clean surface areas and get your ingredients nice and ready.
  2. Wash vegetables and peel the ones with skin.
  3. Pass them in a juicer (juice free of pulp, but easier to digest) or a very good blender (juice with pulp and fibers). In this second case you might need to add some water to make it more liquid.
  4. Add salt and/or agave syrup according to taste.
  1. If you buy organic is better because you can juice the skin too (apart of the lime because it's too bitter). If you don't buy organic please peel apple, cucumber...
  2. I use a juicer and I pass the veggies three times, every time you can extract more.
Nonna Armida Love Family Food
Serves 1
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Total Time
30 min
Total Time
30 min
  1. 3 Blätter Grünkohl
  2. 1 Strauss Koriander
  3. ½ Limette
  4. 1 grüner Apfel
  5. ½ Gurke
  6. 1 Stange Sellerie
  7. 4 cm Stück Ingwer
  8. 4 cm Stück weissen Kohl
  9. 4 cm Stück Kohlrabi
  1. Arbeitsfläche reinigen und Zutaten bereitstellen.
  2. Gemüse waschen und wenn nötig schälen.
  3. Entweder entsaften (der Saft hat kein Fruchtfleisch, ist aber einfacher zu verdauen) oder in einem starken Mixer pürieren (der Saft hat alle Nahrungsfasern und Fruchtfleisch).In diesem Fall zum mixen noch etwas Wasser beifügen.
  4. Je nach Geschmack Salz und , oder Agavensirup dazumischen.
  1. Biologisches Gemüse ist besser, da Sie es mit der Schale verwenden können (ausser die Limette, da die Schale bitter ist). Sonst würde ich das Gemüse und die Früchte schälen.
  2. Ich brauche gerne den Entsafter und lasse alles drei mal durchlaufen, um alle Nährstoffe auszupressen.
Nonna Armida Love Family Food